Eight32 wrote:
On Tue, 2006-03-28 at 16:12 +0100, Paul Howarth wrote:
Stuart Murray-Smith wrote:
I want to set up a DNS server that will 'emulate' multiple nameservers
on one server ie when queried, the answer will appear as if _this_
physical server is the SOA for _this_ domain only.
What is it about a server handling multiple domains that gives it away
as handling multiple domains rather than just the one that's being
queried? I can't think of anything offhand.
How would I list multiple reverse lookup (zzz.yyy.xxx.rev) files in named.conf?
Same way that you would handle any other multiple zones; there's nothing
special about reverse zones.
Hi Paul.
Thank you for replying :-)
I've Googled and only ever seen examples of named.conf's with one
reverse zone (yet multiple forward zones [1, 2, ..., n] for which the
reverse zone is SOA). I'm trying to provide primary nameserver services
to multiple domains such that:
/etc/named.conf looks like:
zone "yyy.xxx.www.in-addr.arpa" {
type master;
file "/var/named/yyy.xxx.www.rev";
allow-query { any; };
and /var/named/yyy.xxx.www.rev looks like:
$TTL 3600
$ORIGIN yyy.xxx.www.IN-ADDR.ARPA.
@ IN SOA ns1.domainname_0.tld. admin.domainname_0.tld. (
0603240000 ; serial
10800 ; refresh
3600 ; retry
604800 ; expire
10800 ; minimum
IN NS ns1.domainname_0.tld.
IN NS ns1.domainname_1.tld.
IN NS ns1.domainname_n.tld.
vvv.www.xxx.yyy IN PTR ns1.domainname_0.tld.
vvv.www.xxx.yyy IN PTR ns1.domainname_1.tld.
vvv.www.xxx.yyy IN PTR ns1.domainname_n.tld.
I'm going to guess that I can either adopt the following naming scheme
by changing the generic:
file "/var/named/yyy.xxx.www.rev";
file "/var/named/yyy.xxx.www.domainname_0.rev";
in /var/named.conf say,
zone "yyy.xxx.www.in-addr.arpa" {
type master;
file "/var/named/yyy.xxx.www.domainname_0.rev";
allow-query { any; };
zone "yyy.xxx.www.in-addr.arpa" {
type master;
file "/var/named/yyy.xxx.www.domainname_1.rev";
allow-query { any; };
zone "yyy.xxx.www.in-addr.arpa" {
type master;
file "/var/named/yyy.xxx.www.domainname_n.rev";
allow-query { any; };
or change statements in reverse zones by having one 'type master;' and
the others 'type slave;'?
No, you can't do this. A given IP address should live in only one zone.
Whilst it's possible to have multiple PTR records for an IP address,
it's rather pointless.
Let's think about this a different way.
Supposing you have domainname_0.com and domainname_1.com, with:
www.domainname_0.com =
www.domainname_1.com =
And presumably the reverse lookups for those IPs should result in the
same hostnames. What else do you need apart from this (which is a bog
standard configuration)? Answer in terms of DNS queries and results
rather than how you think it should be configured.