Re: Hughes Net satellite ISP ?

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chalonec@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
    -------------- Original message --------------
    From: Bob Goodwin <bobgoodwin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

    > Has anyone used Direcway/Hughes Net satellite ISP service who
    can tell me
    > what data speeds they attained?
    > They publish a lot of hype about download speed but are pretty
    vague about
    > upload which is a consideration in our case.
    > Apparently there are no Linux related problems that I have been
    able to
    > find?
    > I would appreciate receiving any information.
    > Bob Goodwin Zuni, Virginia
    > --
    > fedora-list mailing list
    > fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx
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    My experiance is that I received it and within 1 day cancelled
    it.  Lots of problems canceling.  The bottom line is that the
    effective speed for https, whcih is what I run for working from
    home, is slower than a 56K modem with disconnects.  Regular
    browsing is a little better than a modem but not much; sometimes
    even slower.  The only thing it did fairly well, compared to a
    modem, was download of large files, which was about 336Kbps if I
    recall properly.  Forget VPN completely; they even admit
this. All for the low low price of your first born: each month. Tech support: forget it. Actually, I can't for the life of me undertand how they get away with the advertising or the product. At best it just isn't any good. At worst, its the big lie theory.

    Sorry,  i have nothting goods to say and don't know anyone who
    does, including Consumer Reports, if that menas any tning.

I second that statement! I canceled after just 2 days. I would rather have a cheap dial-up connection, for about the same performance!

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