Re: What's wrong with the kernel?

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On Mon, 27 Mar 2006 tfreeman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

On Mon, 27 Mar 2006, sean wrote:

On Mon, 27 Mar 2006 13:01:15 -0600
"Paul Johnson" <pauljohn32@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I see on that there is a flaw in the FC5 kernel and that
we are waiting for an errata update before we can build modules like
the Nvidia video driver.  But I don't see any official information
about this on

Does anybody know the story?
Last entry on:
While strictly speaking, that entry answers the question, IF I read it
correctly the details are a _little_ thin. Of course, the details I would
like to know probably don't belong in that particular document.

Specifically, my question would be "Why are the non-gpl'd kernel modules
not supported in the release kernels?" and "Is there a semi-simple
work-around available?"

Since my video cards are NVidea based, I'll wait until I can use the
non-gpl'd modules before investigating FC5 for my own use.
You can now.  Enable updates-testing and livna-testing repos, yum update 
kernel, kernel-devel, and yum install kmod-nvidia-1.0.8178 and 
xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-1.0.8178 RPMs from there.  Reboot.

I suspect that such details may be found over on the developement list,
and I may get enough ambition to go look for myself. OTOH, if somebody has
a summary or a direct pointer, I sure would be obliged.

		Matthew Saltzman

Clemson University Math Sciences
mjs AT clemson DOT edu

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