Re: Fedora core4 problems

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jim phelps wrote:

I now notice that boot.log is an empty file? Is this
normal for FC4. It was there on FC2.
I checked syslogd and it is running.
/etc/syslog.conf is present and contains a line
"local7.*     /var/log/boot.log"

If I delete the empty boot.log and reboot, a new
boot.log file is created but remains empty?

Can someone advise as to how I may get it functioning
Can it be that nothing is sending out log lines tagged with local7 any 
more?  In FC5 that line is still in /etc/syslog.conf but the file is not 
Also, when did fedora switch from /mnt/* to /media/* ??
I believe its a Linux Standards Base thing.


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