Re: Removing packages

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Ali Helmy wrote:
If you are using fedora 5, than use redhat's new graphical frontend to
yum, pirut (should say something like 'Add/Remove Software' in the
menu). Just go to search and type in the apps you want to get rid of,
and select them for removal.

When I start pirut from the menu, it loads a window that says retireving system information, then after a little while displays an error: Unable to retrieve system information, then exits
I will try the rpm whay offered by Gordon, but I dunno what wrong with 
pirut... any ideas?
On 26/03/06, *Gordon Messmer* <yinyang@xxxxxxxxx 
<mailto:yinyang@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
    Ali Helmy wrote:
    > So how exactly do I list find and list all their rpms so that I can
    > remove them using rpm?

    Determine the path:
    $ which epiphany

    Determine the package:
    $ rpm -qf `which epiphany`

    Remove the package:
    $ yum remove `rpm -qf \`which epiphany\``

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A. Helmy
You were connected to the net when you tried pirut, yes?

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