Re: udev not running script: Almost there!

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Harald Hoyer wrote:

Mariano López Reta wrote:

On Wed, 2006-03-08 at 18:38 -0700, Craig White wrote:

#1 - any rules you create should NOT go into 50-udev.rules since, a)
that file gets replaced any time there is a udev package update and b)
rules are parsed alphabetically in the folder and the first rule wins so
10-udev.rules would solve both those issues.

#2 - get the specific information about your device from either udevinfo
or usbview when the device is plugged in.

See this link for really good ideas...


Well, after careful reading, I restated 50-udev.rules to original state
and wrote my own .rules as follows:

SUBSYSTEM=="tty" , NAME=="ttyUSB0" , SYSFS{dev}=="188:0" , PROGRAM+="/etc/udev/scripts/"
since udevinfo -a -p /sys/class/tty/ttyUSB0 reports only SUBSYSTEM, 
NAME and SYSFS{dev}.
I restarted udev with logging = info, and in /var/log/messages I saw 
that my script is in fact run, but previous to the creation of 
/dev/ttyUSB0 so the commands contained in my script are useless. So, 
how can I make my script run AFTER the creation of /dev/ttyUSB0? The 
creation is the last thing that udev do, but I have no clue how to 
run something after that.
Any help or ideas will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Mariano López Reta

how about /etc/dev.d ?? :)
I have a vague recollection of something like
RUN+="name of script"

Check the documentation for something like; look in the rules for
examples; then investigate whether the script is run before or after
the device creation.

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