Re: vfat vs. ntfs

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Josh Coffman wrote:
I have a need for a partition for sharing files
between fedora and windows boots.

I was using vfat for it. I re-did my partitions when I
installed fc5. I made it a vfat, but I was wondering
if ntfs writes are any better than they used to be.
I'd rather use ntfs than vfat, but not is writing
under linux is really slow.

║ j≈ ╚══╝

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No, ntfs writing is not yet feasible. From what I've heard, you can only write to a file if it doesn't change the size. No file/folder creation either. I've started using ext2 as my sharing partitions on my desktop, since there's a driver for that for windows ( Ext2fsd). It takes a little mucking to mount the drives correctly (a command from cmd and a new registry entry) but once that's done it shows up as a normal lettered drive. Unfortunately it isn't the most stable driver, I got BSODs by running .exes off of one of my partitions for a while, seemingly caused by /system32/driver/sptd.sys (no idea why I had this file, it's apparently from Daemon Tools).

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