Re: FC5 Updated kernel and net installs...

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Jay Lee wrote:
Jay Lee wrote:
I understand a kernel fixing the non-GPL modules issue for FC5 will be released shortly. I do most of my installs via net (PXE and HTTP). I do recall that RedHat Linux use to allow you to put updated RPMS in a folder like RedHat/RPMS/updates in the source install tree and anaconda would look for any newer rpms there before installing the official release version. Does Fedora still have that feature? Can I put the update and any future updates in RPMS/updates and expect anaconda to update them automatically?
Bump. Anybody know if this still works? It would be very useful to admins deploying FC5 to multiple machines...
Bump again... There's got to be a way to do this. (Even Windows has had splipstreaming since Win2k!) FC5 is not a week old and it's already got a dozen updates. Is there any way to get Anaconda to check a folder for updates during installation? I've looked for documentation from Anaconda but there's little there...

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