FC5 Reiser fs installation problem

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I can't seem to install FC5 with reiserfs partitions.

I entered "linux reiserfs" at the boot prompt and created three partitions (plus swap):
/boot -> ext3
/ -> reiserfs
/home -> reiserfs

During the reboot after the installation, I got "Permission denied" messages on a number of files (e.g. /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0) and then the system froze on "Starting system logger".
I installed an FC4 system last week using the same boot option and 
partition scheme and everything worked fine.
After poking around at FedoraForum (http://fedoraforum.org/forum), I 
tried again with "linux noselinux reiserfs" but that didn't help. I 
finally tried to install without boot options and using ext3 for all 
partitions and everything worked.
Does anyone know what the proper options are for installing FC5 with 

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