Re: FC4 => FC5 Upgrade & VMWare

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Chris Ruprecht wrote:
Hello all,

last night, I upgraded my FC4 installation to FC5. All went well except
that VMWare 5.5.1 no longer runs because of the newer kernel.

No problem - in the past, this was a simple '' and all
was well again. However, this time, it complains that it's
missing /usr/src/linux/include and it's right.

I d/l the kernel source and did this:
rpmbuild --rebuild kernel-2.6.15-1.2054_FC5.src.rpm

and got this error:

error: Architecture is not included: i386

I then tried to un-tar the kernel tar.bz2 file, which worked just file,
but VMWare doesn't accept the vanilla 2.6.15 kernel.

Where do I go to from here?
Stop your plan, then:

yum install kernel-devel

then proceed as usual.


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