Re: FC4 Drives me nuts. Help!

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--- Tomas Larsson <tomas@xxxxxxx> wrote:

> Trying to install MySQL.
> I assume that it is RPM that handles the stuff in KDE.
> I am getting an error message that 'qt-devel''3.3.4''15.4' is
> needed.
> Now manually doing "rpm -i qt-devel-3.3.4-15.4.i386.rpm" gives me
> the result
> "allready installed"
> But MySQL is still refusing to install, since it thinks that
> qt-devel IS NOT
> installed.
> Help what should I do?
> There must surly be a simpler way to install, than having to
> manually find
> all missing packages.
> Me thinks that LINUX is loosing out big style because of the
> difficultioes
> to install a simple program.

use YUM, it works... 

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