Re: Problems installing FC4 on Dell Optiplex GX620

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Craig White wrote:
On Sun, 2006-03-19 at 13:52 -0500, Bruce Keats wrote:

I have been watching this discussion, but I do not find it helpful in
solving my problem.

I did manage to finally install FC4 on Friday.  Originally, I was
trying to install the x86_64 CDs without any success, with the SATA
controller set in either "normal" or "combined" mode.  I did manage to
get FC3 installed with the SATA controller set to "combined".  Late
Friday, I set the SATA controller to "normal" mode and tried the
normal i386 install CDs (instead of the x86_64 CDs) and everything
went OK.

I am not sure what the particular recipe is for these Dell Optiplex
GX620's, but I will try and figure out a recipe.  It seems to me that
you may need a Linux partition on the drive first.  I vaguely remember
seeing a post about this in one of my Google searches.  These boxes
arrived from Dell with Windows XP pro already installed.  It could
also be problem with the SATA controller on the x86_64 CDs.  Since I
have a number of these Dell's kicking around, I will try some
different combinations to determine what the recipe is.

I will post my results in a day or so.


On 3/19/06, Anthony Messina <amessina@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: <snip>
       ... long and unrelated but somewhat interesting discussion ...
gentlemen, have we helped the original poster with his question/issue?
sorry - got sidetracked ;-)

as for OP - recognize that 'in a day or so', we will see the release of
FC-5 which has a new kernel and support for a different if not wider
variety of hardware which may or may not be of issue to your using the
FC-4 installation disks.

thanks craig.  i appreciate it :)

bruce, do you have a particluar reason to use fc4 instead of waiting for fc5 tomorrow. i agree with craig in that you may see better results with fc5. of course, if you don't, you can always go back to fc4, but since the release is impending, why not have all the new bells/whistles?
(you may have a very good reason, which i won't question, but since the 
release is almost available...)

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