Re: hosed RPM

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Gene Heskett wrote:
On Wednesday 15 March 2006 09:54, Mark Haney wrote:
Andy Green wrote:
Mark Haney wrote:
Okay, my very first hosed rpmdb.  I tried rebuilddb, no go.  I
tried initdb /then/ rebuilddb no go. Any other ideas? Fortunately, this isn't a production system (yet) so I can blow it
away if I need to.  I was running up2date on the box from ssh and
for some reason sshd died in the middle of it.
up2date :-O  Use yum.

Check your /var/log/messages for, eg, memory-related problems that
provoked things to blow up in the first place.

What exactly are the symptoms when you try, for example,

rpm -qa

rpm -qa gives me a package list like it should.  This is what I get
when I up2date:

RPM error.  The message was:
Could not determine what version of Red Hat Linux you are running.
If you get this error, try running

               rpm --rebuilddb

As a previous poster said, use yum. up2date is 100% deprecated and could hose the system if it did work.
Well just FYI, this was the wrong forum for this anyway, I didn't realize the system was RHEL until I took a good look at it. These systems haven't been under my control for long and all the rest of them are FC2 (yeah I know).

Interdum feror cupidine partium magnarum Europae vincendarum

Mark Haney
Sr. Systems Administrator
ERC Broadband
(828) 350-2415

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