Hi, I can't setup NetworkManager to work properly with my DHCP. After service NetworkManager start it sets link local IP address to eth0 interface (such as 169.254.x.x), but it should call dhcpclient and get the IP from the server. According to Ethereal capture NetworkManager doesn't seem to send DHCP Offer to server as it should. The eth0 interface has the following configuration # cat ifcfg-LAN DEVICE=eth0 BOOTPROTO=dhcp ONBOOT=yes TYPE=Ethernet #NETMASK= #IPADDR= USERCTL=yes PEERDNS=yes #GATEWAY= HWADDR=00:c0:9f:cf:60:34 and calling ifup eth0 correctly sets the IP up (as well as service network start) NetworkManager-0.5.1-1.FC4.4 Am I missing some configuration file or issue? -- Radek Vokál <radekvokal@xxxxxxxxx>