John Summerfied wrote:
Clodoaldo Pinto wrote:
I can't mount an exported server share.
I have googloed this message error and found lots of posts. Tried all
the pointed solutions and still can't mount it.
The server is fc5t3 and the client fc4.
From the client:
# mount -t nfs4 /mnt/s0
mount: permission denied
Server config:
Both /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny are empty
# cat /etc/exports
All these replies and nobody's asked what's in the logs on the server
and client?
Unpaid help isn't what it was:-(
I've been running into the same problem (just today, matter of fact);
the log files aren't saying anything except that the FC4 box received an
authenticated request from the other box (slack 10.1). I'm stumped!
"The two most common things in the | Bill Perkins
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| programmer-at-large
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