Timothy Brooks wrote:
Thank you. Let's say I copy Fedora to CDs and format the Windows computer I am using (it's a spare for 'learning'). Is CD #1 bootable or do I go in through DOS and install? Is there a boot diskette (1.44) that I should have?
It is better if you do this on a machine *other* than the one use for Net access, especially e-mail. If you're unsure about all this, then I suggest you try running for a while from a LiveCD. There is not (AFAIK) a LiveCD for Fedora Core, but several are available. I have used Knoppix, Kanotix, Puppy, DSL and several others. Step-by-step here is what you need to do... 0. Back up your machine as it is now. 1. Decide whether you want to retain the ability to boot Windows while running FC. 2. If the answer is "Yes, I want to dual-boot." then make room on that computer for FC. Make sure you can still boot Windows before continuing. 3. Download and burn all the FC4 discs to CDROMs. Be sure that when you are through you don't see a single file named SOME_FILE_NAME.ISO on there, but a whole bunch of files. 4. Boot your first CDROM. If your machine will not boot from the CDROM drive, then either you didn't make the CDROM properly, or you haven't enabled boot from CDROM drive in the BIOS, or your machine is too old to boot from CDROM or you have a hardware problem. If your machine is just too old, then I suggest using Smart Boot Manager, and boot from floppy. SBM will allow you then to boot from CDROM. 5. Go through the installation procedure. Mike -- p="p=%c%s%c;main(){printf(p,34,p,34);}";main(){printf(p,34,p,34);} This message made from 100% recycled bits. You have found the bank of Larn. I can explain it for you, but I can't understand it for you. I speak only for myself, and I am unanimous in that!