[I really need to stop answering e-mail using a cell phone] On 2/26/06, David Cary Hart <Fedora@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Yes. I put it a copy at > ftp://ftp.tqmcube.com/pub/php-eaccelerator-5.1_0.9.5-beta1.i686.rpm Sorry about this weekend's postings; I should have specified further that the PPC version in dev-extras does not upgrade nor install because the eAccellerator version doesn't like the "newer" version of php already installed. I'm on a iMac PPC still "stuck" at FC5 Test 2 -- I'm hoping a lot of issues are resolved with my upgrade/new install of FC5T3 hopefully sometime today. -- WC Jones -- http://youve-reached-the.endoftheinternet.org/