peter kostov wrote:
I have noticed that if I have installed say two packages - A.tgz
(source) and B.rpm, and now I want to install C.rpm (depending on both A
and B), the installer doesn't find the (installed) dependency A.
So I think that configure by default uses different paths than rpm and
I should pass some parameters, like
./configure --prefix=?
What is the exact parameter that I have to pass to configure to make
both installations from source and from rpm compatible, or is the
problem elsewhere?
I use FC3, RPM version 4.3.2
My understanding is that rpm will look at the rpm database for
dependecies, so 'rpm -ivh C' will not find A no matter where you
install it.
Two choices:
1. (Quicker, but causes problems later) Tell rpm to ignore the
dependecies and install anyway.
2. Build A as an rpm (difficulty varies, some packages provide
a 'make rpm' target) then install using 'rpm -ivh A'. I
don't have any links on this, but there are quite a few howtos,
you'll have as much luck with google as I will. ISTR fresrpms
has one.
Bonus choice:
3. Find a repository containing A and install from there via yum.