Ed Babin wrote:
Can someone point me to a step-by-step on samba w/FC4? Honestly, I'm only trying a basic share, no rocket science. I've already a samba server on RH9 with the same clients and users trying to access a share on FC4. Logs and testparm returns everything fine. Had SELINUX on and off. Cannot browse even home directories. Thanks, exasperated
Did you add the ports 137:udp , 138:udp, 139:tcp and 445:tcp to your firewall configuration? I have an FC4 installation that works great. The IP addresses are static and masked in - I did note that having different masks on certain machines caused computer name resolutions to fail and you would have to use the computer IP addresses.
I set SAMBA up using the GUI configuration tool. Are you configuring SAMBA using the CLI or are you using the GUI?
Jim -- A bank is a place where they lend you an umbrella in fair weather and ask for it back the when it begins to rain. -- Robert Frost