Hi. Im trying to get a detailed configuration description of everyone of my Fedora servers. I wrote this script. Any ideas of something i could be missing or any other helpful command? Any suggestion helps. TIA! #!/bin/bash function runcommand { echo "Command: $1" bash -c "$1" echo } runcommand 'uname -a' runcommand 'cat /etc/issue' runcommand 'mount' runcommand 'df -h' runcommand 'hostname' runcommand 'chkconfig --list | grep 3:on' runcommand 'fdisk -l' runcommand 'crontab -l' runcommand 'ifconfig | grep "encap\|addr\|^$"' runcommand 'iptables-save' runcommand 'route -n' runcommand 'cat /etc/fstab' runcommand 'cat /etc/grub.conf' runcommand 'for a in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-*; do echo ----- $a -----; cat $a; done' runcommand 'cat /etc/sysconfig/network' runcommand 'for a in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-*; do echo ----- $a -----; cat $a; done' runcommand 'cat /etc/named.conf' runcommand 'rpm -qa --last' runcommand 'netstat -an' runcommand 'cat /etc/resolv.conf' runcommand 'cat /etc/rc.local' runcommand 'cat /proc/interrupts' runcommand 'cat /proc/ioports' runcommand 'cat /proc/modules' runcommand 'cat /proc/partitions' runcommand 'cat /proc/mounts' runcommand 'cat /proc/pci |grep -v "Latency\|Non-prefetchable"' runcommand 'cat /proc/cpuinfo' runcommand 'cat /proc/meminfo' runcommand 'cat /proc/version' runcommand 'uptime' -- Rodolfo Alcazar - rodolfo.alcazar@xxxxxxxxxxxx Netzmanager Padep, GTZ 591-70656800, -22417628, LA PAZ, BOLIVIA http://otbits.blogspot.com -- Macs are for those who don't want to know why their computer works. Linux is for those who want to know why their computer works. DOS is for those who want to know why their computer doesn't work. Windows is for those who don't want to know why their computer doesn't work.