Michael Rolig wrote a command-line utility to control the Griffin RadioShark USB radio, which is AFAIK the only USB radio that transfers the audio data over the USB rather than needing a separate analog connection to a sound card. His "shark" program is in the public domain. Shark depends on an unreleased version of libhid to write to the HID interrupt endpoint of the RadioShark. I had trouble building this, as have others, so I've built i386 and x86_64 RPMs for FC4 and made them available: http://www.brouhaha.com/~eric/software/fedora/fc4/shark/ The RPMs include the libhid source code, which is subject to the GPL. The process of building the RPMs builds a statically linked libhid based on a Subversion snapshot. The x86_64 RPM seems to work for me. I have not tested the i386 RPM. The "shark" program only controls the LEDs, tuning, and such. The audio has to be handled by ALSA. There's an explanation of how I use it from the command line in my blog entry: http://whats.all.this.brouhaha.com/?p=199 As usual, there is no warranty whatsoever, but comments and suggestions are welcome. Eric