>------------------------------------------------------------------------ > >#Generated by Kickstart Configurator >#platform=x86, AMD64, or Intel EM64T > >#System language >lang en_US >#Language modules to install >langsupport en_US >#System keyboard >keyboard us >#System mouse >mouse >#Sytem timezone >timezone America/New_York >#Root password >rootpw --iscrypted secret >#Use text mode install >text >#Install OS instead of upgrade >install >#Use CDROM installation media >cdrom >#System bootloader configuration >bootloader --location=mbr >#Clear the Master Boot Record >zerombr yes >#Partition clearing information >clearpart --all >#Disk partitioning information >part / --fstype ext3 --size 1024 --asprimary >part swap --size 512 >part /usr --fstype ext3 --size 7500 >part /opt --fstype ext3 --size 7500 --grow >#System authorization infomation >auth --useshadow --enablemd5 >#Network information >network --bootproto=static --ip= --netmask= --gateway= --nameserver= --device=eth0 >#Firewall configuration >firewall --enabled --trust=eth0 --ssh >#SELinux configuration >selinux --disabled >#XWindows configuration information >xconfig --depth=8 --resolution=640x480 --defaultdesktop=GNOME >#Package install information >%packages >@ office >@ editors >@ system-tools >@ dialup >@ java >@ smb-server >@ base-x >@ graphics >@ web-server >@ eclipse >@ printing >@ server-cfg >@ admin-tools >@ development-tools >@ sound-and-video >@ graphical-internet >-openoffice.org-math >ElectricFence >-vnc-server >pcmcia-cs >-perl-LDAP >-openoffice.org-graphicfilter >xorg-x11-doc >-gnomemeeting >-gcc-gfortran >system-switch-mail >-perl-XML-Twig >php-pgsql >-mod_perl >xcdroast >kernel >-planner >-perl-XML-NamespaceSupport >-webalizer >-usermode-gtk >grub >gnucash >kernel-devel >system-config-bind >-rhn-applet >subversion >-perl-Crypt-SSLeay >-perl-XML-Parser >-xchat >thunderbird >system-config-boot >-openoffice.org-draw >-httpd-manual >e2fsprogs >-openoffice.org-writer >-mod_python >-crypto-utils >-openoffice.org-calc >-perl-XML-LibXML-Common >-evince >-openoffice.org-impress >-openssh-askpass-gnome >-evolution >-perl-XML-Encoding >-python-ldap >amanda-client >-tux >-distcache >-openoffice.org-xsltfilter >-bluez-pin >-squid >-screen >-up2date-gnome >-openldap-clients >-perl-XML-SAX >php-odbc >-mod_ssl >-rcs >-evolution-webcal >-HelixPlayer >php-mysql >-open >system-config-kickstart >-perl-XML-Dumper >-ckermit >-rhgb > >%post > > This looks ok, you say you're booting off a floppy disk? or the kickstart is on a floppy disk and you're booting off of CD? When you boot, what command do you type into the loader that makes it use KS. Also when it does fail are there any error messages on any of the consoles? (F1-F4)? -Mike