Innocent Evil wrote:
Hi, I am trying to setup my PCMCIA card on FC4 So Far, my system has not been able to detect the card. Any kind of help to make it work, would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, -- You don't have any choice, you already made it before you came here.
The number one thing to do is find out what chipset the card has. After that you can usually get it going with madwifi (atheros), or ndiswrapper (multitude of others).
Regards, Ed.
begin:vcard fn:Edward Dekkers n:Dekkers;Edward org:Triple D Computer Services Pty. Ltd.;Management adr:;;822 Rowley Road;Oakford;WA;6121;Australia email;internet:edward@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx title:Mr. tel;work:(08) 9397-1040 tel;fax:(08) 9397-0749 tel;home:(08) 9397-0547 tel;cell:0407083195 x-mozilla-html:FALSE url: version:2.1 end:vcard