What I find on googling is way over my head, alas! I installed fedora 4 on three machines on my desk, way back when it was new. Everything worked fine. Ran nightly yum updates ever since. I now have well over a dozen kernels. Then I had to replace my flat panel monitor (a BenQ FP767, which died; the shop couldn't fix it) with another (a ViewSonic VG910b -- the only one, of several the shop had, which was listed under Main Menu > Desktop > System Settings > Display > Hardware > Configure). At first, my main machine and one old one took the canned settings, the main machine fine, the old one (a P2) usably; but the other old P2 was unusable. I fussed and fiddled, figuring out eventually for instance that any changes had to be made completely without the KVM switch : not only monitor but also keyboard and mouse plugged directly to the machine being changed. Finally I got the *other* old P2 to display usably -- and then the one that had been usable ceased to be. On the current problem machine, I get the error below when I reboot. It follows below "Checking for new hardware" (which gets marked OK) FATAL: Error inserting acpi_cpufreq (/lib/modules/2.6.14-1.1653_FC4/kernel/arch/i386/kernel/cpu/cpufreq/acpi-cpufreq.ko):No such device. I've never done a blessed thing with kernels, beyond telling yum to update them; too fierce to contemplate, for such a duffer as me -- I could louse things up even worse than I often do as it is, right? I don't want to now, if I can help it. But last time I even tried to remove a kernel, I wrecked a machine to the point of having to re-install Fedora. So can someone tell me how to delete the problem one, or what to do instead? PS : I tried editing /etc/X11/xorg.conf one more time, making it match that on a machine where the display works; logged out and in; looked at the GUI display fixer; found no change; told it Cancel; looked at /etc/X11/xorg.conf with pico -w one more time, and found the changes had taken. I hit Ctrl-X to close pico with no changes, then rebooted. This time I chose the next to most recent kernel. The fatal error message did not appear -- but all else was as before. Again I rebooted, and chose one kernel earlier still, the next to next to most recent. All results the same : error message gone, display not changed (still failing to reflect the numbers in /etc/X11/xorg.conf), /etc/X11/xorg.conf not changed. I shut it down. Maybe I should go set it on a stump and minister unto it with a sledgehammer. -- Beartooth Oldfart, Double Retiree, Neo-Redneck, Linux Convert Remember, I have precious little idea what I am talking about.