Re: Why questions don't get answered, or "No, I've already RTFM, tell me the answer!"

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Craig White wrote:

Things like flash player, though free are not open source and are
available in binary format only which creates an issue if distributed in
conjunction with software that is GPL license.
Please, research this point and show is what the problem is.

I believe there is not problem distributing GPL and non-free software as part of the same collation.
The problem Red Hat has is that it cannot support flash, java and such. 
Red Hat got burned with CDE some years ago; I imagine this is a factor 
in its current attitude. Other vendors do distribute varying amounts of 
closed-source software.
Then there are patent issues as Rahul suggested with things like audio
and video codecs/formats which could present a sticky wicket for a
I wonder how many Americans know what a sticky wicket is?



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