Re: GNome Un-install?

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John Pierce wrote:

It would be useful if you could post the output of yum,
or the list of packages that were removed (you could look in
/var/log/yum.log). It may even be a bug in the yum dependency resolver.
But without the details, it's impossible to tell. If you have the
information, it would be very useful to packagers though.
Okay!  I decided to see if I could help, I entered the following
command and chose no so as not to trash one of my systems.

yum remove gnome*<enter>

below is the list of packages that would have been removed had I
proceeded with the uninstall.

Note, this is a clean install of Fedora 4 with all updates applied. The only packages outside of the fedora stock install is xmms-mp3 and
the mythtv suite.

The dependency shows GNOME 2.12 from nrpms. So this is pretty different from a stock installation.
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