Re: Lazy gnome panel

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Parameshwara Bhat wrote:
Dear list,

I observe gnome panel has become a littel unresponsive since the last update(2.8 to 2.10 - I do not remember when)
After initial login and after a delay in use, gnome panel menus take a 
few  clicks before responding. I hoped it would go in upgrade.I observed 
the  same behaviour in gnome 2.12 on suse10.But when I tried Ubuntu live 
cd  using gnome 2.12, panel was felt as responsive as ever.It appears,it 
is  something in the FC ( Suse ) core that causes this.
Anybody else has observed this?

I am running FC4 with all the latest Updates applied on a piii machine.Otherwise my system is stable and fine.
Parameshwara Bhat

I've noticed it as well; seems the first time you click on the menus, 
they load up into a cache somewhere or other; after that, they seem to 
be pretty responsive. How much RAM do you have in your system? I'm 
running 256M on a 1GHz P-III.
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