Re: Why questions don't get answered, or "No, I've already RTFM, tell me the answer!"

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Charles Heselton wrote:
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-----Original Message-----
From: fedora-list-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx [mailto:fedora-list-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Charles Howse
Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2005 7:38 PM
To: Fedora
Subject: Why questions don't get answered, or "No, I've already RTFM, tell me the answer!"

And why would you ignore a reasonable question unless you don't know the

Is replying to say "I don't know" any more constructive than ignoring
the question?  At the least it lets the OP know that the mail was
received, but really, that's about it.

Only if it is a question which the responder has reason to believe
that very few know the answer, and is trying to redirect the poster
either in posing a better question, or to another echo.

This message made from 100% recycled bits.
You have found the bank of Larn.
I can explain it for you, but I can't understand it for you.
I speak only for myself, and I am unanimous in that!

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