Re: Firefox for Fedora

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next find and check out the plugins! :)

i have learned the error of my ways with this approach, but will worry about
my sins later.

hell, it works for the king, why not me?! :-D

Dotan Cohen wrote:

On 12/27/05, Jack Craig <jcraig@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
this approach may not be as elegant as the yum based install,
but ihave been updating FF versions as they come out, keep each in a
peer directory.

its true i have never tried installing a lower rev after up revev'ing,
but i would expect it should work.

one last detail, after the install, open the properties on the
FF launcher and make sure the path is to the new location,
not the last one.


-----Original Message-----
From:   fedora-list-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx on behalf of Dotan Cohen
Sent:   Tue 12/27/2005 9:03 AM
To:     For users of Fedora Core releases
Subject:        Firefox for Fedora

I want to install Firefox 1.5 but Yum does not provide it. So I looked
for rpms on the net and found a few for Fedora, but none are in
Hebrew. Before I install from the oficial tarball, I have some
concerns that I would like some input on:
1) If I install from the tarball, yum will no longer update Firefox.
Can I tell yum to maintain it anyway?
2) I did locate and found that most ff files are in
/usr/lib/firefox-1.0.7/ . Can I just unpack the new 1.5 tarball in
/usr/lib/firefox-1.5/ and have them live side by side?
3) I currently can type the command "firefox" in the command line to
start Firefox. Will this change to start 1.5 if I install them side by
side? If not, how do I correct it?

Thank you.

Dotan Cohen

Thanks. Firefox 1.5 had no problems installing next to it's older
version. I will update the launchers and keep the old FF in there.
This was easier than I thought!

Dotan Cohen

Jack Craig          jackc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx          831-684-1375
     `We're in the hands of crooks and christians.  gawd help Us...`

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