Re: status of Palm Sync

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On Tue, 2005-12-27 at 00:23 -0800, David L wrote:
> > > I just bought a Treo 650 and was looking for info about how to use it
> >with
> > > FC4 when I found the posting below which says FC4 is "completely broken
> >with
> > > respect to Palm syncronization". Is this supposed to be addressed in
> >FC5,
> > > or should I "downgrade" to FC3?  Has anybody synced a Treo with
> >Evolution in
> > > FC5-test1?
> >
> >Palm syn still broken. The latest packages might have solved the problem
> >for a couple of people, but at least in my case, I still need Mark G.
> >Adams' RPMs (see below) to get my Palm to sync.
> >I've given up on bug-reports.
> >Last time I counted, I found ~10 bugs related to udev ttyUSB, pilot-*
> >and gnome-pilot)
> >
> >I'm using the fix from:
> >
> Hmm... This didn't seem to work for me.  Installing the rpms like it
> indicated in the readme (it said rpm -Fvh *.rpm) acted like it didn't
> actually install anything. So I just extracted the files from the rpm file
> like this:
> rpm2cpio /tmp/pilot-link-0.12.0-0.pre4.0.fc4.2.i386.rpm | cpio -i -d
> Then I added the path to the usr/bin directory that the above command
> extracted to the beginning of my path. I pushed the hotsync button and then
> ran:
> pilot-xfer -p /dev/ttyUSB1 -b /tmp/foo2
> I ran this several times until udev got around to creating ttyUSB1, but then
> it just sat there doing nothing until the Treo timed out.  I also tried
> coldsync with the same results:
> coldsync -p /dev/ttyUSB1 -mb /tmp/foo2

Two things.
A. I installed the RPMS using "rpm -Uvh" and they installed just fine.
Installing RPMs using cpio is usually a bad thing(c).  I'd suggest you
uninstall the current RPMs and reinstall them.
OK --- I ran "rpm -ivh --replacepkgs --replacefiles pilot-link*.rpm" and it seemed to install those packages ok.

B. I created a /etc/dev directory and created the two ttyUSB0/1 nodes by
hand, pointing all pilot devices to the static device entries. This
solves all udev problems.
This worked!  It was weird... udev seemed to be creating the nodes (although 
it took a little while), but when I statically create the device entries, 
pilot-xfer is much happier.  So far, all I've done is back up, but that's 
finally working.  :)  Now I'll try more complicated things like evolution 


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