Re: Yum dependencies [still]

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Ralf Corsepius wrote:
I hope you don't mind me responding to the list upon this PM ...

On Fri, 2005-12-23 at 02:15 -0500, M. Lewis wrote:

Ralf Corsepius wrote:

That approach is certainly a yum issue, not an issue with the packager.
I think many of us would agree with that.
No disagreement, here. This issue ("how to react upon broken rpm-deps")
is a yum problem, however, the broken rpm-deps are a livna issue.

If livna recompiled kernel-module-nvidia for older kernels, this thread
would not have appeared. Their current method however, forces anybody to
manually do this by themselves or to find other ways around it.

Are you suggesting Ralf there is a resolution to the problem?
Yes, there is one:

Whenever yum refuses to update because of a livna kernel-module-nvidia
update, rebuild the new kernel-module-nvidia for your old kernel and
install it.

If so, please explain.
When yum refuses to due to an nvidia update, stop the update and ...

1. Download the corresponding nvidia-glx*src.rpm, e.g.:
# wget \

2. Install the kernel-devel-*.rpm, you want to rebuild
kernel-module-nvidia for, e.g.:
# yum install kernel-devel-2.6.14-1.1644_FC4

3. Rebuild kernel-module-nvidia
# rpmbuild --without userland \
--define "kernel 2.6.14-1.1644_FC4" --target i686 \
--rebuild nvidia-glx-1.0.8174-0.lvn.1.4.src.rpm

This will produce
which is one of the packages missing at livna.

4. Install this rpm
# rpm -U \
and run "yum update" again.

Depending upon the number of kernels you have installed, and you want to
keep on your system, you will have to rebuild kernel-module-nvidia for
each of those kernels livna doesn't provide appropriate packages for.

So be prepared to iterate through steps 2-4 several times.


Thanks very much for the detailed step-by-step Ralf. Very much appreciated.

As soon as I finish updating the other 158 packages that Yum decided not to install due to this silliness, I will try this. Personally I find it quite irritating to have to install 158 packages, one-by-one because of one or two dependencies that could not be resolved.
Thanks again !


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