Re: mail server

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From: Alexander Dalloz <ad+lists@xxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: For users of Fedora Core releases <fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: For users of Fedora Core releases <fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: mail server
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2005 18:21:30 +0100

Am Do, den 22.12.2005 schrieb azeem ahmad um 17:39:

> i m configuring sendmail, i configured it on the problem is that
What does that mean? Please be specific at best. From information given
we don't know whether you are speaking about masquerading as or
whether the hostname is or just that you added to
local-host-names. Provide configuration file details as well log file
entries where it makes sense.
i added to my local-host-names

> it is even sending and recieving mails for/to must@xxxxxxxxx while i think
How is related to

grep -n "" /etc/mail/*
there isnt any output of that command

> it must recieve/send for must@xxxxxxxxx

"must" is a user on your system?
yes, must is a unix user of that Linux box.

> in details.
> i configure my MS outlook for user must@xxxxxxxx with correct password that
The sender From: can be faked easily by anyone.

> is of must@xxxxxxxxx and it is recieving mails for must@xxxxxxxx and sending > mails to other user using my server, when the mail reaches other user, the
> header tells that mail came from must@xxxxxxxx

So the header From: is set as you told your MUA (MS Outlook) to do so.

> Azeem

Your problem is what?

echo '$=w' | /usr/lib/sendmail -bt

  => tells you which domains are treated as local domain (Sendmail
accepts @class{w} for local delivery)
WARNING: local host name (Alpha1) is not qualified; see cf/README: WHO AM I?
ADDRESS TEST MODE (ruleset 3 NOT automatically invoked)
Enter <ruleset> <address>

If you want to test for your configuration being an open relay:

now i tell u by myself. i configured sendmail with dovecot IMAP, system's 
domain in DNS is set to, i created a Unix user "must" on my this 
server box, i put into my local-host-names file. now the user must 
can login to my email server through must@xxxxxxxx using MS outlook to send 
and recieve mails to other users. then i tried to login using name 
must@xxxxxxxx and got loged in, while my dns or local-host-names doesnt 
contain any entry for, this login with must@xxxxxxxx can send and 
recieve mails to/for must@xxxxxxxxx
another thing is that if i try to send mail to must@xxxxxxxx while being 
loged in with must@xxxxxxxx, it doesnt send one.

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