Hi All, I use a biological simulation package called NEURON in my work. The people who developed this software have remained committed to open source for many years and have avoided incorporating any commercial elements in the code. (Somehow, they've also managed to maintain Unix, Windows, and old Mac versions.) The graphics module of NEURON is still based on an ancient (but completely "free") package called InterViews that sometimes behaves oddly. I use these NEURON/InterViews graphics constantly to display a lot of small windows containing run-time graphs and parameter settings With FC4 using the KDE desktop environment, everything works normally. But when I run NEURON under gnome (the environment I'd like to try using), the currently active window refuses to remain on top of the others and actually slides UNDER its neighbors when I move it, behaving exactly opposite to the way it should! Has anyone seen something like this before? Does this seem like a windows manager problem peculiar to whatever it is gnome uses? What would be a good place to start looking for a solution (other than the obvious one of staying with KDE, of course....) Thanks in advance for any suggestions. Jerry