Hello, apt.physik.fu-berlin.de was already deprecated more than a year ago, and apt.atrpms.net was deprecated in July 2005. While >= 90% of the users have switched, there are still about 5000 users on apt.atrpms.net and 2000 on apt.physik.fu-berlin.de (numbers derived from unique daily visits). apt.atrpms.net is mainly used by FC3 users, and apt.physik.fu-berlin.de by RH9 and FC1 users. Please update your apt and yum configurations to use dl.atrpms.net. E.g. for FC3: ============================= apt config for FC3/i386 # # atrpms # Fedora Core 3 - i386 - ATrpms # rpm http://dl.atrpms.net fc3-i386/atrpms stable #rpm-src http://dl.atrpms.net/src fc3-i386/atrpms stable ============================= yum config for FC3/i386 [atrpms] name=Fedora Core 3 - i386 - ATrpms baseurl=http://dl.atrpms.net/fc3-i386/atrpms/stable failovermethod=priority ============================= Replace fc3 with fc2/rh9 etc. apt.atrpms.net and apt.physik.fu-berlin.de will be withdrawn by the end of this year. Thanks! -- Axel.Thimm at ATrpms.net
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