This is my preference and have been doing it since FC1. As root do the following: Download java selfextracting binary form, un-archive it to (my preference) /opt. cd / ln -s /opt/jre1.5.0_05/ /java (or whatever your jre directory is) I prefer joe, this wordprocessor closely mimics the original wordstar from the 80's. cd /etc joe profile /* in the profile file I always do a pathmunge /java/bin/ so create a line near the end of the path statements and pathmunge /java/bin/ create the next line somewhere in the profile file */ JAVA_HOME="/java/" /* then at the end of the export line add JAVA_HOME */ if you use joe once you made the changes a simple CTRL+K X will exit and save the changes, or a CTRL+K Q will ask if you wish to abandon the changes. Once the changes have been saved, logout and log in and you can see if your changes have taken effect by issuing the following statement at the cli. which java should respond with /java/bin/java good luck