Any help with this new script?

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In my quest to make nautilus easier to use, I was playing around with some bash and ended up accidentally writing a working nautilus script :)
This initial script is as follows:

#! /bin/bash
location=`zenity --entry`
for arg
cp $arg $location

You can put this text into a file, make it executable and place the file in ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts and nautilus will use it as a script. What this does is, upon right-clicking a file in nautilus, gnome opens a dialog and asks for a target path, you enter a target path and then nautilus copies the file you right-clicked on to the path you entered. Shocked the heck out of me when it actually worked. Now, I'd like to extend it a bit by checking to see if the file already exists in the target dir, and if so give the user the chance to cancel the whole operation or overwrite the existing file in the target dir.
Here's what I have come up with so far:

#! /bin/bash
location=`zenity --entry`
question=`zenity --question --text="file "$location/$arg" already exists. Do you want to overwrite this file?"`

for arg
if [ -e $location/$arg ];then
  read $question     # read the return of zenity --question
   case "$question" in
     0  )  exit 1 ;;     # if user chose "Cancel", then exit
     1  )  cp $arg $location ;;     # if user chose "OK", then copy

What I need to know now is:

1) how to get zenity to give me a directory selection dialog (instead of location=`zenity --entry`) so I don't have to type a path into the text entry dialog

2) how to capture the o or 1 that zenity --question returns (deternins whether the user chose "OK" or "Cancel" in the zenity --question messagebox) and then have a seperate action occur depending on whether the user chose "OK" or "Cancel". So, I need to learn the proper way to use the "case" in the if/then statement above. Any ideas on either of these?

By the way, when this is done, I plan to write a few more scripts and make them available to everyone.. possibly get them added to the nautilus file manager - I hope.

Ian MacGregor

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