Hi, Currently I am having problem (not really a problem but anomaly) with printing from my FC4 machine. I have Deskjet 3550 printer connected to my FC4 machine. It prints fine with just black ink if set to use grayscale (incuding picture in the document) but if color mode is used all three ink is used to create a black text (while black ink is there sitting idle), this is causing considerable amount of time just print a page plus misuse of the color ink. If I have a document with some clipart or picture in it, I have to use the color mode and most of my color ink is finishing just to print the black text. My question is: is there a way to tell my printer driver to use black ink for black things and use color ink for color things depending on the type of document being printed (for my model of printers)? I know this printer model is common for home and small offices. By the way I found out about "Matthias Bunte's Patch" for hpijs printer but my model is not listed there. Besides that the the patch download site have only listing for hpijs-1.4 version only. http://www.linuxprinting.org/download/printing/hpijs/ querrying my driver version: $ hpijs -h show me that I am using version 1.7 instead. Hewlett-Packard Co. Inkjet Server 1.7.1 Copyright (c) 2001-2004, Hewlett-Packard Co. So another follow up question is: 1) do I really need this patch to work? 2) will this patch for version 1.4 works on my hpijs 1.7 as well? Anyone have achieved success with what I am trying to accomplish? Thanks for your inputs _ | \ _ _ ._ _.| |_/(/_(/_|_)(_||< | Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com