Re: Mail server

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--On 18. september 2005 15:25 +0530 Abilash Praveen M <abilashpraveen82@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I'm a newbie to linux. I'd been using Centos for a couple of weeks. Now
I've changed my box to FC4. I however do not have enough experience in
handling mail servers. I have setup everything except the mail server. I
already have my MX changed to point to this box.. but I'm not sure how I
would setup all emails to someone@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx come to my nix box.

I have sendmail (iam not sure if sendmail is used to accept incomming
emails) and I created a in the local domains list. I
think created an alias somone and asked it to send emails to my hotmail
address. So, I assumed that when I send an email to
someone@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx it would go to my hotmail address. But it doesn't
happen to be so. I don't get a undelivered message.. but it seems to have
gone into the queue for unknown reasons.

Can I request you please to help me out setting up my email server? I
might need to also host my emails once I succeed with this
sub. I might probably need pop3 access too. I found that centos was not
very much helpful for me.. but i'm not sure if FC4 list would help me cuz
I might sound too newbie????

Thanks in advance to anyone who will help me out.

Kind regards,
Abilash Praveen
Use Xmail server instead of sendmail. Check out

Very easy to install and to maintain.


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