FC-3 using rhythmbox from FC-3 # rpm -qa|grep rhythmbox rhythmbox-0.8.8-1 1 - it doesn't see my ipod at all. 2 - when launched from command line... rhythmbox -d a bunch of stuff and then... [0x8fa2eb0] [rb_shell_window_state_cb] rb-shell.c:1727 (20:36:42): caught window state change and then a dialog is presented... Failed to activate the shell: (null) and it's basically useless... so if I remove rhythmbox and install it from dag repository... # rpm -q rhythmbox rhythmbox-0.8.8-2.1.fc3.rf when my ipod is mounted (/mnt/ipod), rhythmbox crashes. RhythmDB-ERROR **: file rhythmdb.c: line 1381 (rhythmdb_entry_set): should not be reached aborting... Does anyone have gtkpod, rhythmbox and have it working on FC-3? Any suggestions? for the record... # rpm -qa|grep gstreamer gstreamer-plugins-0.8.5-1 gstreamer-plugins-mp3-0.8.5-0.lvn.2.3 gstreamer-tools-0.8.7-4.FC3.0 gstreamer-0.8.7-4.FC3.0 # rpm -qa|grep gtkpod gtkpod-0.94.0-1.1.fc3.rf Thanks Craig