I have been fighting prob where our IT people closed up our router access and forced http through Webmarshal proxy which chains to SquidNT. Being a lone Linux workstation in a W2003 (apart from the FTP server running FC4 ;) I needed to sort myself. Yum HTTP 407 errors means proxy authentication not working. Yum authentication to proxy works using #export http_proxy=http://domain\\user:password@server:8080/ Yum borks on HTTP 400 errors which I found could be resolved by adding keepalive=0 to /etc/yum.conf Yum comes up with [ERROR -1] header length incorrect (or similar) This seems to be related to a malfunctioning proxy that cant handle byte-ranged requests. I found that if I sneaked into SquidNT and added myself to the acl accept list (bypassing Webmarshal) all systems go! and Yum is happy again. So now the question... I have convinced IT to let the FC4 FTP server have direct access to Squid (3128). The FTP server is on How do I forward port 80 from my workstation ( to the FTP server to then forward through the squid proxy when I run Yum? Terry ____________________________________________________________________ CAUTION - This message may contain privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the addressee named above. If you are not the intended recipient of this message you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, distribution or reproduction of this message is prohibited. If you have received this message in error please notify the original sender immediately. Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender and may not necessarily reflect the views of Mercer Stainless Ltd, Mercer Technologies Ltd or related divisions. ____________________________________________________________________ For more information on the Mercer group of companies, visit us online at http://www.mercers.co.nz