Re: Install message "no driver found"

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Tony Nelson wrote:

At 10:14 PM -0600 8/29/05, Philip Prindeville wrote:

Also wish I knew what the PCI id's were, and which drivers had
been assigned to what (that would at least give me an idea of
what devices didn't have drivers matched to them).
I said it before and I'll say it again:

Another way to check your burns is to read them back into isos, and check
the isos.  This doesn't tell your whether the system can read the DVD
during the install, but you do find out if the burns were good.
I verified the media:

[root@media ~]# mediacheck /dev/hdc
/dev/hdc:   6f24fafb037209bd160c439285e17a69
Percent complete: 100.0%
The supported flag value is 0
The media check is complete, the result is: PASS.

It is OK to install from this media.
[root@media sis18x_2.6.9_1.00.00]# cat ~/bin/mediacheck

exec /usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/checkisomd5 --verbose "$@"
[root@media ~]#

TonyN.:'                       <mailto:tonynelson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
     '                              <>

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