Re: [FC4] old kernel cannot be removed (dependency failure)

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Andreas M. Kirchwitz wrote:

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen!

I recently installed a complete Fedora Core 4 (i386) from scratch
(shipped with kernel-2.6.11-1.1369_FC4) and then did a full update
of all packages (including kernel kernel-2.6.12-1.1398_FC4) with yum.

Now that kernel 2.6.12-1.1447_FC4 is out, I'm out of space on
filesystem /, so I need to remove old kernels first. But that fails
due to dependencies with "cman-kernel", "dlm-kernel", "GFS-kernel" and
"gnbd-kernel" packages (some cluster stuff according to rpm -qi).
These packages are all for the old/initial kernel 2.6.11, and
there are no updates for these packages (to recent 2.6.12 kernels),
so I'm confused what these packages are good for anyway?

My guess is that removal of these kernel modules won't work
without removing packages like "dlm*", "cman*", "gnbd*" and "GFS*"
as well.

That looks really weird. Same problem on 4 systems.
The other packages are for the GFS cluster file system. You should do yum remove kernel-<version>. This is mentioned in the release notes


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