Hi All,
Here is my configuration running this as a home system not critical:
Dell PowerEdge 1600SC with 18gb SCSI HD. Bought a 160gb EIDE hard drive
to add in. I can boot to the SCSI, which is where I have RH9 installed
and am using right now. The system see's the hard drive in CMOS and
also if I run Hardware Browser as Root, Linux sees it as hda. Here are
my questions since I have not done anything like this before and would
appreciate some pointers, Please!!!
1. Can I leave my SCSI as my boot drive and then use the EIDE drive as
what ever?
2. Since I am going to go to FC4 in the next couple of weeks, would it
be better to wait and just reinstall using the EIDE drive as the first
drive wipe out the SCSI and use it as needed?
3. If I can leave the SCSI as the first drive can I use fdisk to format
hda and then use mkfe2, partition it out and them mount it in /etc/fstab?
If someone could point me to a howto or some other reading that would
be great also. I have tried googling and searching the archives, but
have not ran across anything like this.
Thanks for the help!!!
Lee Perez
Still a newbie....