I'm having got a little problem with vncserver under FC4.
I can use VNC with vncserver startup script, with my
/etc/sysconfig/vncservers setting without problems (only that I can
authentificate, only as an user).
I modify my xorg.conf file to load the "vnc" module and put the options
on it, to allow password and then login into the system, but the problem
is I need to run "gdm-stop" under ssh conection (or terminal any type of
terminal) to allow gdm get the config.
The question are:
1) Using "vncserver" && /etc/syscocnfig/vncservers ... how can I
force the "login screen"?
2) Using the "vnc extension" (configured as I can see in
http://www.realvnc.com/products/free/4.1/x0.html), what step I need to
allow direct conections to the server without force "gdm-stop" command?
Any ideas?
The system is FC4 without extras and nothing more.
Samuel Díaz García
Director Gerente
ArcosCom Wireless, S.L.L.
CIF: B11828068
c/ Romero Gago, 19
Arcos de la Frontera
11630 - Cadiz
msn: samueldg@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Móvil: 651 93 72 48
Tlfn.: 956 70 13 15
Fax: 956 70 34 83
fn;quoted-printable:Samuel D=C3=ADaz Garc=C3=ADa
n;quoted-printable:D=C3=ADaz Garc=C3=ADa;Samuel
org:ArcosCom Wireless, S.L.L.;I+D+I
adr;quoted-printable;quoted-printable:;;c/ Romero Gago, 19;Arcos de la Frontera;C=C3=A1diz;11630;Espa=C3=B1a
title:Director Gerente
tel;work:956 70 13 15
tel;fax:956 70 34 83
tel;cell:651 937 248