I have trouble using a SCSI scanner on Fedora Core 4. The trouble boils down to the fact that /dev/sg0 (where the scanner appears) is only root-writable, so I have to scan as the superuser -- not safe, not sensible. The quickest kludge is to chown /dev/sg0. But that node gets rebuilt on each boot (I think) so the chown would need to be done after each boot. Pretty annoying. The console.perms(5) mechanism looks to be a better way than chown: it systematically changes owners and permissions on files when someone logs in. The FC4 console.perms is already set up to handle a class called <scanner>. This requires a symlink /dev/scanner -> correct device. This is good: /dev/sg0 might be some other kind of device at some point. Unfortunately, nothing is setting up this symlink. Whose job is it to set up this symlink? I would think that /etc/hotplug/scsi.agent out to do so. And perhaps do a chown/chmod because the login might already have happened. Am I right? Why does the current scsi.agent not attempt this? Would scsi.agent get invoked fpr a device that is already there at boot time?