Gene Heskett wrote:
(please don't Cc: me on mail posted to the list; I only need to read it
On Monday 11 July 2005 11:24, Paul Howarth wrote:
Gene Heskett wrote:
This machine is a bit odd in that its actual boot partition isn't
even mounted by FC4. Somehow, in rigging it for dual booting of
FC4 and emc's bdi, its now booting from (hd1,0) instead of
(hd0,0), so that when a new kernel is installed as was the case
this morning, I have to hand modify the /dev/hdb1/grub/menu.lst
and copy all the new stuffs from /dev/hda1 to /dev/hdb1, which
when its booted to FC4, can be hand mounted as /mnt/bdi-boot.
/dev/hda1 is mounted by FC4 as /boot, but thats not where it boots
I'd suggest adding an entry:
title Fedora Core 4
rootnoverify (hd0,1)
chainloader +1
to /dev/hdb1/grub/menu.lst
You should then be able to pick FC4 from the OS's boot menu, and
never have to fiddle with grub entries again.
What would this do to the grub choice of boots menu?
Your second OS has installed a new copy of grub in the MBR. The idea to
to add an entry to that OS's grub config to chain-load the FC4 grub, in
much the same way that systems dual-booting Windows chain-load the
Windows bootloader.
And shouldn't
that be (hd0,0) which is the 'other' /boot partition that FC4 would
normally use if somehow grub hadn't been pointed at hdb?
Yes, it should. You're right.
Currently I have it set (on hdb) for a default that is the newest FC4
kernel and its running. But as of this mornings reboot after a power
failure, its without a kicker, and a dead rhn-applet (whatever that
is, explain please) from the date of the first yum update after the
install. e2fsck didn't complain about an unclean shutdown either,
which seems odd to say the least.
rhn-applet is broken in FC4.