Re: OT: linux-friendly _slide_ scanner

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On Sun, 26 Jun 2005, Joel Gomberg wrote:

Date: Sun, 26 Jun 2005 19:45:03 -0700
From: Joel Gomberg <obligor11-fedora@xxxxxxxxx>
To: Itay Furman <itayf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
    For users of Fedora Core releases <fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: OT: linux-friendly _slide_ scanner

Itay Furman wrote:

I am interested in buying a slide scanner. If I could control this device from linux (Fedora :-) instead of quitting linux and visiting windows, this would be a _major_ advantage. A print scanner that supports scanning slides/negatives with high quality will also be a good option.
I have used a Nikon CoolScan V (LS-50) with FC3, but it only works with 
Vuescan, a commercial software product available at The cost 
is roughly $50 -- more for a version with more bells and whistles.  Nikon 
does not support Linux and AFAIK there is no open source software that works 
with Nikon slide scanners.  The Vuescan web site has a list of the hundreds 
of scanners it supports.  You can download a free trial version.
Thanks!  This is encouraging.



Itay Furman, Ph.D
Genome Sciences                |   phone:   +1 (206) 543 9040
Health Sciences Bldg., K-326   |     fax:   +1 (206) 685 7301
University of Washington       |   email: itayf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Seattle, WA  98195-7730

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