Re: external USB Drive

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Kevin Waterson wrote:

This one time, at band camp, Jim Cornette <fc-cornette@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

If you are plugging in the USB drive after you are in the GUI, it will inherit the GUI user. (console user). If you want to make the VFAT readable by other than the user you need to pick a mountpoint and use umask settings in the config file where the drive is mounted. You can select users for everybody to be able to access it. The other permissions are set when you plug in the USB drive by programs included with Fedora to mount drives. chmodding even as root is not a function.
I have the the USB drive (250gig) plugged in when booting.
I then mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/windows-g
The drive is formatted fat32.
How can I use umask in a config file to change this?

Kind regards

I searched for links and Debian seems to have a good page for umask settings and others. They even seem to have mention for removable devices. The masking settings are inverse from the settings permissions. 0 is equiv to 7 and visa-versa. 002 would give group and owner the control depending on other settings.
The best link that I found was below;
Which says that they had a good source from:


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