Re: Fedora Download Page Useless

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Vytas Valas wrote:

I went to the trouble of downloading the DVD iso file
for 32 bit systems. The webpage says to use a program
called shalsum to check the download. There is NO
PLACE AT ALL on the download page or anywhere else I
can see to find the shalsum program to check the
download prior to trying to burn it to a DVD disk. I
doubt I am alone in feeling mislead by the RedHat
people when their webpage says use a program which is
NOT available.
Ok. I understand the frustration. The website could use a revamp with a better design, better content and updates but for this particular issue (help is most welcome. ping fedora-docs or fedora-marketing list if you are interested), here is what happened. Before the release, I googled for a good sha1sum utility for other platforms besides Linux. Linux distributions usually include sha1sum utility, Fedora does and it can be installed using "yum install sha1sum" so not much of a problem there. I ended up with several links to particular ftp sites amoung which nearly all of them were already overloaded potentially from Fedora users themselves . Some of them looked like personal websites and others werent really generic project pages

Linking to these websites from the Fedora download page would require that the project page be a generic one like Linking to random personal webpages or commercial webprojects without getting explicit permission from them. Bandwidth costs a huge amount. That is a liability. Linking to particular mirrors is a bad idea too especially when they are overloaded since the users wont be able to reach those webpages anyway. I shooted off a mail to the developer of md5summer(.org) requesting that he add sha1sum to his project. Now if you really want the download page to point to a sha1sum utility it would be good to get some links from non-commercial websites like or or which are known to work well and dependable in Windows or OS X or any platform of your choice.
Alternatively there is always google and the mailing list archives with 
a good number of users actively helping each other. Hope that helps

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