On Sun, 2005-07-03 at 19:26 +1000, Vytas Valas wrote: > Well, I was interested in trying Linux but if the very > download page is this useless then I can only guess > the rest of the online "support" must be just as bad. > Why tell downloaders to use a program you don't make > available for download??????? > Send an email - using the same tone - to Redhat DEMANDING a refund. This is a community supported project. If you want help, you might try being a tad more polite. BTW, there are abundant links on the first page of a Google search. -- * Eliminate Spam: http://www.TQMcube.com/spam_trap.htm * RBLDNSD HowTo: http://www.TQMcube.com/rbldnsd.htm * Multi-RBL Check: http://www.TQMcube.com/rblcheck.htm